Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chick Flicks: Pornography for Women

I know I've said this before but I really dislike chick flicks these days. Most of them are so full of trash that they're not even enjoyable anymore.

Men and Women are obviously different. In the past pornography has been more of a problem for men, however the prophets are telling us now that it is becoming a bigger and bigger problem for women.

The more chick flicks I see these days, the more I think chick flicks are pornography for women. They have so many terrible things in them but because they are mixed in with a love story, girls eat it all up (no matter how dumb the love story is.)

Almost all chick flicks these days have at least one of the three things (if not more then one)

1.) A "love" scene

Most follow this pattern: a couple meets, they're attracted, they are "intimate" before even knowing each other, there is a conflict, and then they get back together in the end.

2.) Unmarried couples casually living together

This is obviously very common in most movies these days, however it is still unacceptable for our standards.

3.) Homosexuality

Chick Flicks, more then any other genre of movie, contain the most homosexual references and people (well, comedies might tie.) Most times they like to make this character one of the lead females best friends.

Its really a shame because I, like all women, really do enjoy a good love story. I would just rather watch one that is not constantly attacking the standards that I am trying to uphold.

A Clean Chick Flick:

NOT A Clean Chick Flick:

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I am terrible at keeping journals, I always have been. I think the main reason for this is because when something big happens to me I always feel too overwhelmed to write about it, and then by the time I do write again I feel like there is so much I have to catch up on. That's probably why I haven't blogged in awhile.

On Sunday November 21, 2010 my grandpa passed away. He was 89 years old, so it wasn't too unexpected. However, I still couldn't seem to hold the tears back when I heard the news. My grandpa was a wonderful man.

I actually went down to California the weekend before he died to be a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding. It was a beautiful day and I got see alot of my family including my grandparents. That night my grandparents competed in a slow dance to see who had been married the longest, and of course my grandparents won (after being married for 69 years!)

The next day I made my way back to Utah. I had to wait in St. George for awhile to meet up with someone, so my friend and I went and walked around the St. George temple. It was beautiful even if it was freezing, and the spirit was so strong. As I drove out of the temple parking lot I got the call to let me know my grandpa passed away.

I was not planning on going home for thanksgiving because I had gone down the weekend before for the wedding, however since I had to go down for the funeral that Saturday I decided to be with my family for Thanksgiving. I can't really talk about that weekend. It was amazing, I felt the spirit so strongly. Each of my grandparent's 8 kids spoke a little at his funeral. It was definitely something I'll never forget.

So I know that this is really long which means that I've probably lost everyone's attention by now, but I don't care this was mostly just for myself. A chance to recognize how truly blessed I am, and a chance to say I love you Grandpa, you are such an example to me.